Family/Motherhood/Military Life

Benefits of Family Game Night

Family Friday

I'm part of Post A Day 2016


If you’ve been following me, you know I’ve been in a process of decluttering and getting rid of stuff like crazy. One of the areas I sorted through was our game closet. The kids had out grown some of our games and we decided to get rid of some so we can spend more time enjoying the games we like the most!

After cleaning out the games and selling them online (the kids were super excited to earn a little bit of money!) we decided it was time for a game night.

Last night was the night!

We had a family game night. This is something the kids and I do regularly during deployments. But, when daddy is home it seems like it’s something we don’t do often enough.

Tonight’s game was the kids version of “Life.”

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The smiles, the laughter the was just what I needed after a long day.

It seems like so many of us are so digital minded. It was nice to “unplug” and play an “old school” game.

Playing in real-life.

Looking at each other eye to eye.

Fully enjoying each others presence.

Did you know that family game night and playing board games together can actually help your children develop?

When we play games like Jenga, or any game where we roll a dice, our children get the opportunity to enhance their hand-eye coordination!

Playing strategy games like Monopoly or even Connect Four help build problem solving skills.

Most importantly, we are spending time together as a family.

The parent, as well as the child, will have a better emotional well-being. Our children will have the experience to build healthy relationships. They will have the opportunity to communicate with us openly.

They will feel loved.

It doesn’t take long and the benefits are endless!

I encourage you to have a family game night with your family this weekend! Create special memories with them!

What is your favorite family game? Do you have a tradition of family game nights? Please comment and share what you do for game nights in your family!

Family Game night

With Aloha,


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Curious how others responded to today’s Daily Word Prompt: Create


14 thoughts on “Benefits of Family Game Night

  1. I love family game night. Now that I moved out of my parents house we don’t do this often but they are coming to visit me next week so you just sparked and idea in my head. We will have family game night here! Thanks for the post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been thinking about starting this! My 15 month old is too small but we can spend quality time with our nearly 5 year old after the little one goes to bed! In a year he can join in. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh yes! Totally. I feel guilty sometimes because I played way more games with my oldest who is now 7 when he was younger. Once my little Ladybug was born, we did it less bc she makes it harder. I really regret not doing it more. Take it from my experience to do it and enjoy that special time with your 5 yr old when the baby is napping. You could even involve the baby in some games. We had a game called Crazy Ducks where they would swim around on this pond and you had to try to grab one. Both kids LOVED it when they were little! Or when she was younger, we would play teams: me and the baby vs my son. It was great! Thanks for you comment and bringing back those fond memories of mine!

      Liked by 2 people

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