
Following in the Footsteps of Billy Graham

I woke up this morning to the news that Billy Graham passed away. For some reason, I haven't been able to get it off of my mind ever since. No, I've never met him. No, I've never really followed him or studied him. And, yet, I can feel the loss. It's almost embarrassing to admit… Continue reading Following in the Footsteps of Billy Graham

Family/Motherhood/Military Life · photo challenge

Walking in Papa’s Footsteps

One of the most heart touching moments of my life was watching my 10-month old son walking hand in hand with my dad along the shore of Bainbridge Island, WA. Words can't begin to express the emotions that washed over me. I fight back the tears even now, 7 years later, when I stop and… Continue reading Walking in Papa’s Footsteps