Faith · Healthy Living

Finding That Wonderstruck Feeling Through Serving Others

Wellness Wednesday Being wonderstruck.... Wonderstruck can be defined as experiencing a sudden feeling of awed delight or wonder. This past Sunday, my pastor John Burgess gave a great sermon about being wonderstruck. It's left me thinking all week about things in life that no-longer leave me feeling "wonderstruck." The things I once found jaw-dropping and yet… Continue reading Finding That Wonderstruck Feeling Through Serving Others

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Joe: How a Homeless Man Changed My Life

Transient One thing Hawaii doesn't advertise about in its travel brochures is the over abundance of "homeless" people. I was shocked when we stepped off of the plane and headed towards Waikiki and saw tents lining the streets. This was NOT the "paradise" you see on the post cards! There were so many homeless camps… Continue reading Joe: How a Homeless Man Changed My Life