
God Couldn’t Twitter So He Uses Us!

I'm part of Post A Day 2016

This morning, I started my Bible readings in 2 Thessalonians 2.

What really spoke to my heart today was verse 15 which states: 

So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings otraditions we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.

particularly, the line that states “passed on to you.”

This week, my kids have been attending VBS (Vacation Bible School) at a small church that my daughter attends preschool at.

Last night, as I dropped the kids off in the sanctuary at VBS, I couldn’t help but be drawn back to my childhood church which was a small little Baptist church in the Midwest very similar to this one.

I thought of all of the “aunties and uncles” (as they refer to the loving adults who are like family here in Hawaii) who greeted ME when I was a little girl attending VBS and were eager to share the word of God with me. Today, I want to pay homage to them.

I think of the love and devotion they planted into my life…

even as a small child. 

Along with my parents, THEY were doing as this scripture states and they “passed it on to me.”

You never know when that moment will happen and it will just “click” with a person when you are sharing God’s message. It’s never too soon or to late. 

God uses US as a means to spread the news (he couldn’t Twitter back then) so, He uses US.


As the scripture states in verses 13-14: God chose you as first fruits because from the beginning, God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ

Did I make the word “YOU” stand out enough there? He is calling YOU!

He’s blessed us with all we need and more…all we have to do is spread the word!

Who was it that first shared the message with you? Do you remember? More than likely, it is a person or group of people who, still to this day, hold a special place in your heart.

There is a reason for this…

What they shared with you, changed your life forever!

What they shared with you is what, still to this day, gives you strength and hope.

What they shared with you…needs to be shared!

Don’t let it stop with you.

Tag! You’re it!

Share the word!

Be bold, be brave…share the word with someone today!

Change their life like those aunties and uncles changed my life as a little girl.

Because of them, I’ve had God’s loving arms wrapped around me almost my whole life.

Why wait when someone could be craving that kind of life changing love right now!

With Aloha,


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12 thoughts on “God Couldn’t Twitter So He Uses Us!

  1. I just discovered your blog via a comment you made on EcoSeasons. Very interesting and well crafted!
    I will send a link to our 2 daughters – Emily who has a 2 yr.old son and has her own Mom-blog – “the tableandtheroad” and Anna who has 1 yr old son and stepped down from being the barn manager at Timberline Ranch – a Christian-based horsey place. We also have 3 grown sons – only one left unmarried, but not for long. Faith in Christ is important to us and its good to see that our grown kids embrace it as well – I guess we weren’t too hypocritical as Christian parents. My wife and I became Christians during our late twenties, so we were pretty sensitive about not being “religious”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is awesome! It’s so great to see families that love Christ as a family. Y’all sound like an incredible group. I hope your daughters enjoy my blog! I will check out hers (and yours) as well! Thank you for sharing this with them! Aloha!

      Liked by 1 person

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