Hiking · photo challenge

Out of This World Weird

Hiking/Photo Challenge Photo Challenge: Out of this world There is nothing more "out of this world" than finding an abandoned outhouse in the middle of a bamboo forest in Hawaii...with an astronaut on it! Today, I co-lead a hike to Lululmahu Falls here on Oahu, HI. It was literally DOWNPOURING once we arrived at the trailhead. However,… Continue reading Out of This World Weird

photo challenge

Joe: How a Homeless Man Changed My Life

Transient One thing Hawaii doesn't advertise about in its travel brochures is the over abundance of "homeless" people. I was shocked when we stepped off of the plane and headed towards Waikiki and saw tents lining the streets. This was NOT the "paradise" you see on the post cards! There were so many homeless camps… Continue reading Joe: How a Homeless Man Changed My Life

Family/Motherhood/Military Life

In a Moment…He Was Gone: Sea Turtles

Daily word prompt: Evanescent: soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing. In honor of World Turtle Day, I wanted to share about sea turtles. I've always had a respect and love for sea turtles. I could sit and watch them swim around for hours. They are so majestic and stunning. My first experience… Continue reading In a Moment…He Was Gone: Sea Turtles