Family/Motherhood/Military Life

Teeth Like a Quill: A Recap of a Dog Attack

Family Friday

I'm part of Post A Day 2016


Today’s post is going to be a bit somber…not my usual chipper, happy self. But, when I sat down to write about family today for Family Friday….THIS is the reality of what my family has been faced with this week. I don’t know if this is even “blog worthy.” But, I feel like you all have become my friends and I just wanted to share it with you so you can add us to your prayers this week.

Lexi Babies

I just wrote last week about our sweet little Lexi Babies (our Yorkie) and how she likes to be our little passenger and tag along with us when we are out shopping and out and about. (A Furry Little Passenger) Well, on Wednesday, my kids had her on a leash in our front yard to let her go potty. When, out of nowhere, the neighbors dog came racing across the street and attacked her.

It was the scariest thing ever to see this big American Bulldog pinning down my little Yorkie. I was screaming at the top of my lungs for someone to help get the dog off of her. Luckily, we live on a busy enough of road that 3 vehicles stopped as well as some walkers.

When, I first approached the attack, I was somewhat calm, thinking to myself, “okay, lets just get this dog off and check for any blood/injuries.” But, the longer it went on, I began to panic. I felt like I was watching my baby get murdered. I screamed to the kids to get back and stay on the porch because I didn’t want them to get hurt or to see her die if it came to that.

She’s so small (6lbs) and this dog was so much bigger that she had Lexi completely pinned down and I couldn’t even hardly see her let alone see if there was any blood.

Even the owner couldn’t get the dog off.

A brave man grabbed the dog off of her only to have her lunge back on my sweetie AGAIN before we could pick her up into safety. I have no clue how long this horrific scene lasted. But, in my mind, it lasted forever.

Eventually, they were separated and I was able to pick her up and run away from the other dog. Her poor little heart rate was through the roof. But, I didn’t see any blood or obvious damage. Once the other dog was gone, we put her down to see if she was able to walk without limping or observe if she was in any obvious pain.

I honestly believe God was protecting her because she appears to have walked away unharmed physically. The kids and I are still pretty shook up about the whole ordeal (obviously because here I am blogging about it.)

We decided to take her to the vet clinic this morning to have her examined. I just need to know so I can rest assured there aren’t any internal injuries.

When I pulled up WordPress this morning and saw the prompt word was quill, I just imagined those teeth tearing into my baby like a porcupine quill and it just makes me cringe.

Again, thank you friends for taking the time to read this. I just am having a hard time staying focused on anything else to write today with this on my mind. Please pray for us as we head to the vet clinic this morning for her examination. 

I’ll “edit” this post later to update and let you all know how the vet visit goes this morning. Once I know she’s okay, I think my heart will feel better and I can get back to my goofy blogging personality. Bear with me please!


Thank you all for expressing concern! We just left the animal clinic and she is ok! She got a shot to prevent infection. The veterinarian said she was a very lucky girl! I feel like I can finally breath a little easier! With lots of love, Lacy


With Aloha,


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31 thoughts on “Teeth Like a Quill: A Recap of a Dog Attack

      1. She’s happy as ever! We are dog sitting my friends lab for a few days. I was nervous to see how Lexi would be around another dog after the attack. But, luckily they are doing great and best buddies! Thanks for checking in on her. It means a lot to me!

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  1. What a terrible experience for you, your family, and your little dog. I’m glad to hear she was not seriously injured. Many blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad she’s okay! She is such a little cutie. I’ve gotten so close to her through your blog she feels like a part of my family as well. I didn’t get th post until after the update, so my prayers for you are prayers of praise and thanksgiving. Hallelujah! Praise God for His protection of ALL our family members… even our furbabies!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! She really is a part of our family! I’ve had her for 10 years and I would’ve been absolutely devastated if this had ended differently. I believe with all of my heart that God protected her! A bigger dog like that could’ve done some major damage!

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