Family/Motherhood/Military Life · Healthy Living

The Importance of “Taking a 15”

Wellness Wednesday

I'm part of Post A Day 2016

The importance of taking a 15

There’s a reason why I was a Librarian for almost 13 years.

I love order. I love quiet. I love calmness.

It’s stressful for me to be in an environment that doesn’t include at least ONE of those factors. I can only handle it being that way for a short time. It annoys me. It eats at me. It makes me crabby.

There’s nothing better than sneaking in a few minutes with my coffee in the morning before I start my “adulting” for the day. I’ve learned that, if I just have a few minutes to myself (which is usually when I do my morning devotional), the day feels better. It’s become my favorite part of the day.


As hard as I try to stay stress free, it tends to sneak its way into my house more than I would like to admit. Having two hyper kids, it is rarely in order, quiet or calm…can you see my problem already?

If I were to pinpoint when my house stresses me out the most, it would be in the evenings. This is when I’m worn out and typically would rather be spending some time quietly blogging or reading a book. You know those moments—the moments when you feel the kids should be playing. In fact, can’t they be “seen and not heard?” for a few minutes?

Sometimes, a mom just needs some time to “clock out” from the whole “mom job” and just be “me” for a bit. I want to selfishly take some time to prioritize myself. Pamper myself. What’s the harm in that, right?

As a mom, I can’t just “clock out” like I would a 9-5 job.

I have an obligation (rather the blessing) to care for my kids and satisfy their needs. It’s the best job in the world. But, at the same time, being a mom is a TOUGH JOB. There is no doubt in that.

Since we can’t “clock out,” I think it’s important to still find ways to “take a 15” as we called our scheduled breaks when I worked at the library.

I recently wrote about how I carved out that time for me to “take some time for myself.” You can read about it here: How This Over-busy Mom Made Time for Herself

Like I said, for me, the most stressful part of the day is during the evening when I’m just plain tired! Opening up our calendar in the evenings so that I can have my “15 minutes” (which is usually longer than that) to myself gets me refreshed and recharged.

It gives me what I need to tackle the rest of the evening.

I can enjoy that time with my family because I took some time for myself.

There’s a reason the workplace is required to give its workers a “break.” We physically and mentally need breaks from time to time. We are more efficient and happier when we do. Having a “mom job” isn’t any different.

My kids deserve the best version of me.

When I am stressed out or feeling I “need a break” they aren’t getting the best of me. They are getting the worn out, short fused, crabby version of me.

They need mercy from me. They need me to be loving them. They need to have me taking care of their needs. I need to be respectful of their time and appreciate them wanting to spend it with me.

When I became a mommy, I imagined playing with them. I wanted to be the mommy who ENJOYED being with them.

They don’t deserve to be at the blunt end of my response to stress. In order to prevent that and in order for me to be the mommy they deserve…I “take a 15.”

So, ask yourself…

Do you tend to get stressed out or crabby with your family/kids?

Do you think it’s because you don’t have enough time for yourself?

When are some moments during the day you can set aside for yourself?

I mentioned reading as what I like to do in my “alone time.”

What do YOU enjoy doing?

What recharges you and gets your mind refreshed?

Whatever it may be, I encourage you to make it a priority.

It’s easy to overlook ourselves…especially as moms.

We tend to put everyone else first. But, that’s only good if they are getting the best version of us! Give them the best of you by taking the time to do what you enjoy and get refreshed! The people around you will appreciate it 😉

The importance of taking a 15

With Aloha,



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17 thoughts on “The Importance of “Taking a 15”

  1. Great post! What a great idea! I also take my time for me in the morning, but this is a great idea…for your health, in the long run. Thanks for sharing 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am reading and nodding to basically everything, it’s is so true. “Adulting” is hard (is I said it). Sometimes in one day I need more than 1 15 mins me time. Weekends they wake up earlier than during the week, as they do they are in my face.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Waking up to kid tackles is quite the wake up call! Haha I’m so glad this post resonated with you. Try to squeeze in some time for you today and see how it makes you feel! Especially with the holidays here, I think we may all need extra “15’s”!


    1. I’m so glad! I’m sure your girls appreciate it when you take time for yourself and then have the energy to give them your best version of you! Enjoy your Thanksgiving and maybe sneak away with some pumpkin pie for your “15”!


  3. Welcome back! You were missed. So sorry for your loss, you were in my thoughts and prayers. I definitely relate to this post, I NEED my me time and when I don’t get it, it’s not good for anyone! I try to have mine in the morning during my devotional as well and if feel myself needing some me time throughout the day I’ll usually just sit with a hot drink and journal or read. It’s amazing how recharging those few minutes can be!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m glad to be back!

      It really is a game changer! As I mentioned, so much of our day is planned around our kids and their needs. We need to value ourselves more as women who are moms and remember we still need to have a little time to enjoy ourselves. And, most importantly, not feel guilty about it! The kids will be fine for 15 minutes! We can accomplish a lot of deep breaths and yoga stretches in 15 min! Ha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly! I definitely have to remind myself to make my needs a priority sometimes. Moms always seem to put their own needs last. Now that I am a mom I notice how much my own mom still to this day will put my sister and I’s needs before her own. You don’t realize how much moms sacrifice until you are a mom!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I totally agree. I have 3 kids so I’m school running & at home with my youngest in the day. Then when the hubby gets home I work in the evening. It takes miletary operating to get some chill time. I love to go for a run or a power walk to clear my mind & get some energy back.

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