Pinterest Projects

Easiest Chalkboard Sign Ever (DIY)

Make it Monday

I'm part of Post A Day 2016

I love to be inspired!

So many of you blogger friends inspire and motivate me every day with your amazing posts. You also inspire me with your supportive "following." You may not even realize it, but just reading my blog and showing me that my voice can impact others gives me such a sense of worth and I thank you so much for that!

I think it's equally important to find motivation within ourselves as well as from others.

One way I motivate myself is through having different quotes, scriptures and expressions around my home.

If you have been following me you know how important health and fitness is to my family. In fact, I have an entire fitness wall in my "office" area. It's where we proudly display my husbands Triathlon medals and where I post my fitness motivational sayings/pictures.

Eventually, I will blog about the entire wall. But, for today (since it's Make it Monday), I want to talk about how I made one sign in particular which motivates me each morning to be brave, be bold and be STRONG.

I love the quote: "Believe in yourself & you will be unstoppable"and I wanted to include it on my fitness wall. It's so easy to get discouraged when I don't see results as quickly as I want to. This saying reminds me to not give up and that I CAN DO IT if I set my mind to it!

I'm warning you…this project is SUPER EASY!

So easy in fact, I almost feel weird showing how to do it. haha

I found a square frame at the craft store as well as some stick on chalkboard paper. I painted the frame turquoise to match my accent colors. I chose it because it's bright and cheery! Once the paint was dry, I simply stuck the chalkboard paper onto the frame.

From here, it's completely up to you what you write on it! I bought a white chalkboard paint marker because I wanted it to be permanent and they write nice and smoothly compared to regular chalk. Practice writing your script before you do it on the chalkboard because it won't wipe off.

That's all there is to it! BAM!

I told you it was super easy! But, the result is a pretty impressive little sign!

Something like this could be done for the holidays or seasons even. Paint the frame a different color to match whatever holiday you are decorating for. You could do sayings like "Give Thanks" or "Silent Night."

If you are scared to do the writing part, there are some great "chalk board" ideas and tips on my Pinterest page! Check it out! Adventurous Chalkboarding

Just have fun with it!

Easiest Chalkboard Sign Ever! (DIY)

With Aloha,


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I’m DONE! Why I’m Done Striving for Perfection and Instead, Casting My Burdens on Him (bible journal)

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13 thoughts on “Easiest Chalkboard Sign Ever (DIY)

  1. Really cool quote. But what I appreciated even more was the song you brought to mind. I used to listen to it all the time a couple of decades ago but had forgotten about it… until you mentioned being motivated to “Be Bold, Be Strong!”

    The best version I’ve ever heard is by Morris Chapman. Let me know what you think!

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