Healthy Living

Back in Action: Jumping Back into Fitness in the Wake of Chaos

Wellness Wednesday

I'm part of Post A Day 2016

Back in Action!-2

Sadly, I haven’t had much “wellness” being played out in my own life the past few weeks. With Halloween, the funeral, wrapping up basketball season, Thanksgiving and just being a mom, it was a whirlwind of a month!

I cringe as I say this, but, we visited the big golden “M” (McDonald’s) more times than I’d like to admit-with the excuse of it currently having Pokemon toys in the kids meals when, in reality, I just didn’t want to cook! The kids played off of this and convinced me quite easily it was a good choice.

But, I am happy to say, TODAY was the day I jumped back in!

I started off my morning drinking a protein shake before my coffee. In fact, would you believe me if I told you, I only got in 2 big gulps of coffee as I rushed out the door this morning!?!!?

I got my daughter dropped off at pre-k (she is Star Student this week, so it was a special morning drop off!) I headed to spin class for the first time since Halloween! YIKES! (During this chaotic month, the kids also had days off from school which meant I had two kids at home and couldn’t do spin class with them)

I was so excited to get back to spin class this morning!

I really missed it!

Over the past crazy month, I bought myself some spin shoes which clip into the pedals. I’ve been SO READY to go back and test them out! Let me tell you, they were a game changer today! I felt like I had so much more control! I was a little nervous to literally be strapped to the bike. But, once I got used to it, I loved it! I can’t wait for Thursday’s class!

Afterwards, I came home and enjoyed a little post-workout snack and showered up before it was time to pick up ladybug from school. I debated on replacing my sweaty yoga pants from class with a fresh clean pair. But, then I reminded myself how much better I feel when I wear my “mom jeans” instead. So, I opted for some fun distressed mom jeans and a silly Santa baseball T that says, “Don’t stop believin!” #coolmom

I ran some errands and then, by dinner time I decided to keep the ball a rolling and tried a new recipe! Now, I could wait and share this on the next Tasty Tuesday. But, that’s a whole week a way, so I’m going to give you a bonus and share this today! You may have tried this already but for me, it was a first.

Spaghetti squash!

I have heard of this so many times. And, yet, I was scared to make it myself! Had I known how easy it was to make, I would’ve done this so much sooner. It was so easy to do and the kids and I really liked it! I topped it with some jar spaghetti sauce mixed with ground turkey. I sprinkled a little garlic powder on it too which added a little more flavor. I’m already looking forward to leftovers tomorrow!

That’s just a snippet of my day. But, overall, it was a great day! I feel proud that I was able to jump back in on my healthy journey and am excited to get back on track.

Friends, I’m sharing this with you to hopefully encourage you.

No matter where you are at in your fitness or health journey, it’s never too late to start (or restart.)

I like to think of fitness like my faith. It’s always there for me no matter how many times I fall. I can start it at any time no matter what condition me or my life is in. It’s also like my faith in that, the more I give, the more benefits I see reciprocated!

I can’t hardly mention faith and health and not mention how important starting my day off with time with God is. It sets my mood for the entire day. Even if I don’t have time for a workout, I can still have a healthy mind by spending a few moments in prayer or reading my Bible. If that’s not part of your routine already, I encourage you to add it and see how it changes you!

So, I sit here watching my day come to an end and I feel like I NAILED IT! (well, except for that leftover sweet potato pie I had after dinner-did I leave out that part? haha) I feel good about my food choices (even the piece of pie). And, I’m proud I got a good workout in!

Tomorrow is a new day.

I know I will have that same choice as I did today. How am I going to spend my day? Am I going to show respect towards myself and my body by making healthy food choices? Or, am I going to give into the big golden “M”?

I tell you what…I feel much better right now after the choices I made today than I did when I gave into those McDonald’s fries. I think I’ll stick with the healthy choices and keep reaping these benefits!

It may be more difficult during these holiday months. But, I’m confident I can do it. How about you?

Anyone want to be accountability partners with me?

Let’s keep each other on track both physically and spiritually as we journey through these holiday months!

Comment below with your favorite workout activity or where you are in your health journey!

I love spin class and hiking! My mom enjoys nature walks. My kids like to play basketball. My husband is a triathlete and enjoys swimming, biking and running. What is it for you?

I’m excited to hear from you. So, please leave a comment 🙂

Back in Action!-2

With Aloha,



Featured Blog Posts:

(there are several hyperlinks in this blog post. I will re-post them here)

Halloween Themed Snacks

Loss: A Tribute to My Father In-Law

What I Learned Through Experiencing Loss: Using the Hard Times to Create Better Times


Coffee: The Good, The Bad…The Ugly

Spin Class…After a 10 year Break

Best Post-Workout Foods

Shhhh! A Secret Just for Moms

Yo-Yo Faith: Staying Focused in the Highs & Lows

33 thoughts on “Back in Action: Jumping Back into Fitness in the Wake of Chaos

  1. I have never done a spin class before. I think because it intimidates me. But I do stick to an exercise routine. And I have done really well with that. It is difficult sometimes to stick to my routine. But once I start I am glad I did and feel even better when I am all done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It definitely can be intimidating! But, the best thing about spin class, is you can do your own intensity (and nobody knows what level you are doing on your bike!) It leaves me feeling like I got a great workout in and boy do I sweat!!!! You should try it some time! I agree with you in that I feel better when I do a workout. It’s easy to want to skip. And, I honestly enjoyed the free time I had when I stayed home with the kids over their break. But, I feel even better when I use that hour for a workout 😉 Keep up the great work!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maybe one day I will try. But right now I’m probably not going to.
        But I have a lot of other options for exercise. I’m trying to take advantage of the weather here. We don’t have any snow yet. So I have been going on walks plus my workouts. And I feel so good afterwords.
        Thanks you too! Have a nice day!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good for you! Spin class is definitely not for everyone! But, I love seeing the variety of people in my class. We each go at our own pace and cheer each other on and make it fun.

        I enjoy exercising outdoors too with my hiking! You definitely should take advantage of the good weather! I am a strong believer that the fresh air clears your mind and soul!

        Keep up the great work!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yeah I believe that too! I went for a longer walk today! I hurt my foot about a month ago, so I have been slowly working myself back with my walks.
        The good thing is my foot is almost 100%. So I have been going for more walks. They usually center me!
        Have a nice weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh, no! I’m glad you’ve been able to walk yourself into recovery! I’m leading a keiki (kids) hike today out in the woods. I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t been out hiking in too long because of everything going on. It’s been raining on and off, so I hope we don’t get rained out! I need that fresh air! Have a great weekend Lynley!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Yeah it was nothing serious I just tripped and fell. I missed a few stairs and my foot smacked the ground. It was painful for a week. And then it was just sore. But it is so much better now.
        Well hopefully the weather will work in your favor today during your hike!
        And thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

      6. It sounds more painful than it really was. It has been about 5 weeks. So my foot feels almost like it did before I fell.
        I’m glad that I can get back to things I normally do!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I only have 2 mornings when ladybug is in class. So, I just do spin class 2 days a week. Then, I try to fit in another at-home workout 1 day a week. It’s not much. But, it helps and is enough to motivate me to eat healthier in between!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I always tell my hubby that runners are a special breed! ha! I used to enjoy running way back in high school. I ran with him a few times when he just started out running. But, he’s a speed demon so that was short lived! I prefer hiking or spin class 😉


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